Frequently asked questions
POPCRU is your voice and representative in the workplace. The union has a good track record of fighting for better working and human conditions for every worker.
To join POPCRU you must complete a membership application form (please find it on the website). After completion, send it to the following email addresses: –;; and or
POPCRU membership fee is R75.24
A new POPCRU member experiences a double deduction of R150.48. This is a once-off deduction which covers the administration fee and the membership fee. From the second month, the deduction is R75.24.
Every POPCRU member is a recruiter.
An amount of R150.00 will be paid for each member recruited. The payment will be made after the first deduction has been made from the recruited member.
A newly recruited member is eligible for recruitment pack. Pack contents vary from time to time. The recruiter must liaise with the POPCRU Provincial Office for recruitment material.
A cancellation form can be emailed to our offices. We assist members that have more than one union deduction in their salaries to ensure that they are left with POPCRU only in their payslips.
Funeral claims are done at WorkersLife. Their contact details are as follows: Head Office – 012 305 7400 /0861 520 520. Address – PGC House; 273 Paul Kruger Street; Pretoria; 0001.
An unfair labour practice in terms of the Labour Relations Act, refers to an act or omission by an employer towards an employee that may have specific negative consequences for that employee.
- A dismissal is when a contract of employment between an employer and employee is terminated by the employer, against the will of the employee.
- The Labour Relations Act provides every employee with the right to not be unfairly dismissed. The employer must have a fair reason for dismissing an employee and must follow s fair procedure.
An arbitration is a new hearing commonly as hearing de novo. A commissioner will consider the fairness of an employer’s decision based on the evidence presented and submissions made at the arbitration. This means that an applicant/employee alleging unfair dismissal or ULP may have to provide prima facie proof that he/she was unfairly dismissed.
Conciliation is a process where a commissioner meets with the parties to a dispute and explores with them ways to settle the dispute by agreement. Only issues referred to the CCMA or Bargaining Council(s) in terms of the Labour Relations Act, the Employment Equity Act, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the Skills Development Act, or the National Minimum Wage Act require conciliation.
Discrimination occurs when an employer treats an employee differently based on physical attributes or other factors such as religion or political belief. The act of differentiation may at times be fair, but it is more commonly found that the differentiated treatment is unfair.